Is my client viewing the right revision?
A side-effect of sharing proposals with email is that it is not guaranteed that your client is talking about the latest version of the proposals document. It is possible and also happens that the client is reviewing and commenting on a previous version. This can cause nasty suprises at later stages of the sales process.
The solution we have implemented for Ivently to address this problem is rather simple. An ivently document shared with a client (via email, whatsapp, etc) is a private web site visible to the client. So the client never really has the proposal as a PDF/docx file. An Ivently user client can disable the latest proposal revision and create a new revision of the proposal. The older proposal is deactived and becomes inaccesible to the client. So the chances of client viewing an older version of the proposal is significantly reduced.
Our emails land in spam folders
Email can and will land spam folders. Even sales emails from global concerns with attachments can land in spam folders for no understandable reason.
The emerging alternative to email, especially for wedding planners whose clients are couples, is text messages: WhatsApp and Instagram messages often become the main communication channel between a wedding planner and the couple. Sharing an Ivently proposal document is basically creating a link. Wedding planners can share this link with their clients on WhatsApp and Instagram. The conversation is faster and friendlier, questions can be clarified quickly.

Can my client review my proposal on a mobile phone?
Fact is the chances of your client viewing your proposal on a mobile is very high. However we are still sending PDFs (or even worse Microsoft Word documents) to the clients. The problem is that these formats are optimized for print. On the other hand, Ivently proposals are using modern web technologies allowing an amazing mobile proposal viewing experience.

Did my client view my proposal?
Not all people are nice. Some clients ask for proposals and do not even review them. Since it is not possible to say if a client has opened the proposal attachment of your email, you can hardly know if this client is really interested in your proposal.
Ivently notifies you when your client views your proposal. Simple.
Is our event calendar up-to-date?
It is great to have an up-to-date calendar of all events you're planning. Ideally it should include not only confirmed, but also proposed events. It takes discipline to keep a calendar up-to-date and you know what this means. It is error prone.
A better way would be not have to do this at all. Ivently does exactly this. All proposals you keep in Ivently will appear on your Ivently agenda. So that you can view all confirmed and proposed events in one easy agenda and this is completely automated.